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By: Kevin Basaly


September 5th 2020:


Today I researched more on how a good business plan is made, and how real estate exactly works. I figured that real estate is a big business that many people invest in. It's a very popular business nowadays, although after all the research I can tell that making a business plan for real estate is the first step a new investor can take before taking a step further. In a business plan you always have to plan “what if’s” this is when your plan starts falling apart but then you already planned out everything if it went the other way.

September 16th 2020:

Today I researched on what makes a good Business plan and found an 8 step process in order to make a good business plan. 


Step 1: Assess my target market

Step 2: Craft an executive summary 

Step 3: Define the mission statement

Step 4: Complete a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and threats)

Step 5: Determine Company goals

Step 6: Create Management Structure & outline daily operations

Step 7: Layout my financial plan

Step 8: Layout my marketing plan


I looked into the details of this 8 step process on the website above although I want to come up with my own process of making a good Business plan, I will do this by continuing to research what exactly makes a good business plan.



What exactly motivated me and what exactly went through my head when I came up with the idea of making a Business Plan for Real estate? Since I was around 10 years old I started noticing what my dads job was, he owns a company in Egypt that works with hotels. Ever since I noticed this I have always looked up to my dad and want to become like him, I don't want to be like him exactly but I would like to have the same mindset as him. When it comes to the future I want to become better and bigger than my dad in order to make him feel like all his hard work has payed off. 

Glass Buildings


The link below is my project, it will direct you to a presentation.


In order to ensure that my product meets high standards I will need to meet the following criteria when it comes to the final stage and is fully completed. 

  • The presentation’s appearance must be attractive to the eye yet simple. It must contain images, flowcharts, and make use of visual means to keep the audience interested and help portray specific messages

  • The plan must contain specific time frames for which each stage takes place

  • The presentation must show how different methods are used to achieve specific financial goals

  • Must contain an executive summary that sums up everything about the plan, such as the financial features, requirements, 

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